Friday, June 7, 2024

 The Baseball Trip 2024

 Day 3 - Thursday June 6

We crossed the river into Cincinnati with plenty of time to spare before the ballgame. First stop, the Sugar N' Spice diner downtown. I had the Meat Lover's special, which was eggs with links, patties, smoked sausage, and bacon. Oh yeah, and a boatload of American potatoes. I could not finish it.

Here are a couple of pix:

Next, we dropped in on the Cincinnati Union Terminal, the hub of all rail transportation in the area until it closed in 1972. Right now it houses several natural history exhibitions along with an Imax theater, gift shop, and restaurants.


Lobby and information center.

Mural above the lobby,

Original departure area.

Original phone booth.

This has nothing to do with Union Terminal, but I thought it was an interesting church behind the parking lot.

After that, we ambled down to the Riverwalk.

River boats on the Ohio.

From the public landing.

On to The Great American Ballpark, Cubs vs. Reds.

Front gate.

From right field.

Left field video board.

From center field.

Batting practice.

Unfortunately, the Cubs lost 8-4.

Favorite signs: None - we didn't travel very far, just a hop across the river.
Favorite town names: Ditto.

Things we cannot hang around for: Bluegrass Festival, Alexandria, KY

Random Observation from Randy: "Google changed our route again. I think it's leading us toward the mother ship."

Over-sized Objects: - 0
Confederate Flags:  - 1

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