Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Baseball Trip 2013 / Day 4

Monday, July 8

Random observation from Randy:
I threw out the trash. I even separated the bottles and cans and put them in the proper receptacles. The Canadians will still hate us anyway.

We did not find BBQ today, but Randy has leftover ribs, so that counts.

We always notice signs in small towns announcing spectacular events that we will miss because we have stumbled upon their little burg too early ( or too late) to enjoy them. Here's what we will be missing, so far:

Porter County (IN) Fair
The Leprechaun Hunt, somewhere in Indiana - I don't know what that is.
The Hot Air Jubilee in Jackson, MI
The Tashmoo Fair in Angorac. MI - again, I have no idea.

Our campground was damp. If there is one word to describe our campground, it is damp. Everything is dewy. The air was cool and breezy last night, but somehow...just wet.

Weird animal experience: Woodpeckers in the trees above our tent. I didn't know they grew so big.

We had breakfast in a little diner called, unfortunately, Sambo's. Not the racist logo pancake house chain of yore Sambo's. This was totally independent. The logo was a guy that looked like some kind of Super Mario Brothers character, so I'm hoping it's just an Italian thing. Anyways, the poached eggs and sausage and home fries were good, indeed. Randy had eggs over easy with peameal. Peameal is what Canadians call Canadian bacon. Why don't they just call it Canadian bacon? Or just bacon? And while I'm at it, why do they dispense gas in litres? And why do they call it petrol?

Favorite sign:  St Anne's Church. No mass here. Go to St. Elizabeth.

Hey, guess what? Fort Erie doesnt start racing on Mondays til - you guessed it - Monday, July 15. Here's a picture of it anyway...

You can't read it, but underneath the sign that says "Race Track," it says, "Tiki Bar." No kidding. Pretty swanky, no? Too bad it was closed.

We found our way to the Peace Bridge to cross to the States and exchanged our weird money for real money at the duty free store. I didn't buy any perfume. Then we crossed the bridge. Or, I should say, we crawled acroos the bridge. Help me Jesus, it took a half hour. At that height. I just stared at the truck in front of me and kept repeating, "It will be okay, it will be okay."

Random observation from Randy (and absolutely no help):
If I were a terrorist, I'd blow up the bridge.


Peace Bridge? Misnomer.

We ended up seventy miles east of Buffalo at Finger Lakes Race Track. I bet four races and cashed a total of ten dollars. Here's a picture of the only horse that did me any favors:

Nice horsey.

After the races, we doubled back west to Batavia to see the A-ball contest between the Batavia Muckdogs and The Jamestown Jammers. The Muckdogs are the NY-Penn League affiliate of the Florida Marlins, in case a border guard asks you. Much like the Tin Caps, I had to find out where the name Muckdog comes from. Well, according to an authority (some kid ball park attendant), the Batavia area is famous for it's swampy ground. Of course, but why dogs? "Because they are ferocious."


We arrived an hour early, only to find the game in progress. What gives? Well, lucky us, this was the end of a make-up game that was rained out the day before. A double-header! The dogs won both games, and everybody went home happy.

Dwyer Field, Batavia, NY.

Of course, I had to hunt down the mascot: Homer Muckdog. I thought I was over my fear of mascots, but you can tell from the look on my face that I am still frightened.

 Homer and me.

Favorite sign: Gigglin' Pig Furniture
Favorite town: Cheektowaga, NY

Tomorrow: Pittsburgh, I think.

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