Monday, July 8, 2013

The Baseball Trip 2013 / Day 2

Saturday, July 6

Today is a travel day: Indiana, through northwest Ohio, up into Michigan to the ferry to Canada. After that, we drive through Ontario and look for a hotel. Maybe near London. Oh yeah, yesterday we did have BBQ, We split a basket of wings with a Memphis rub and a sweet glaze. Mmmmm. However, we found out the place-Smokey Bones- was a chain! Should have known from the name.

Weird animal encounters:
  • This is a first: a deer sprang out from the side of the road...close, but not threatening.
  • I almost ran over a pheasant. I thought he was dead, but iIsaw him skittle off through the brush on the side of the road. He actually went under my car.
  • Caribou farm!
Bull with his harem.

The weather is cool but rain always threatens...dark clouds hover but offer only a smattering of sprinkles. We are lucky.The ferry to Canada is supposed to be in the middle of a town called Angorac, Michigan, but we are diverted from our regularly scheduled route by a Fourth of July celebration gala parade that lasts, apparently, for days.

Random observation from Randy:
Angorac is starting to give me that Thurmont feeling. Remember Thurmont, Maryland? We drove all over that damn town looking for a place to eat. I'll be happy if I never see that town again.

After a few (thirty) detours, we finally end up on the other side of town and spot, miraculously, a ferry.
We drive up to the ferry. We pay $8.00. We ride across the river. We are not in Canada. This ferry took us to some weird island that is still part of Michigan. No wonder they didn't ask for ID when we got off. Oh well, it was a nice drive around the island. Besides, nobody cares:

Random observation from Randy:
This is a seat of the pants trip.

Here's the phantom ferry:

Favorite sign:   Hand picked peaches and cream corn.

No BBQ today, we have failed. Randy vows to never let that happen again. It turns out the real ferry was shut down, blocked off by the parade! But we found another real ferry a few miles down the road in Marine City. That's where we stopped for crab cakes before we moved on.

So here's a view from the real ferry:
 Looking back toward the US.

Approaching the customs station:

OK, so what's the deal with Canada? They have different money and different measurements. How fast am I driving? I don't know. What's with the purple and green money with the little plastic windows? And please, do they not know that coins should not be more than fifty cents? That's how it works! Dollars are paper! The two-dollar coin looks like some freeze-dried version of a Bulls-eye Caramel. Imagine my chagrin at the newspaper machine.

Anyway, the border patrol was on their game. He asked why we were in Canada, and we told him we wanted to see the Toronto Blue jays. We travel from ballpark to ballpark. So he says,"Oh yeah, what ballpark were you at before this?" We tell him Fort Wayne, we also see minor leagues. So he says, "What level are they?" Wow, tough dude. Then he asks, "What is their major league affiliate?" Damn! This guy's good!

Favorite town:  Hell, Michigan. Seriously, and there was a sign with an arrow pointing us straight to hell.

Tomorrow, Toronto.

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