The Baseball Trip 2012 / Day 9
Friday, August 3
The scenery picks up a little bit as we cut across northwestern Missouri and into Iowa. But there were absolutely no photo ops to be had. Even the Amana Colonies were sleepy. No horse and buggy, no Amish furniture stores open. The heat is getting to everyone. All of the creeks and rivers we cross are low or gone completely, covered in rotting leaves and twigs. The corn is pretty bad here, too, not a spec of green in those crops.The temperature spikes at 100 and no one is out but the cows who wander into stagnant ponds to cool off and a small fox chasing a jackrabbit across the highway in front of us, looking for lunch.
Random observations from Randy:
"Sweet Al's donut shop. From now on I want to be known as sweet Randy."
"I think the cashier disapproved of my Yoohoo chocolate beverage. She gave me a weird stare. Or maybe she was a closet Yoohoo admirer and was showing a twinge of kinship. Anyway, you know it's a good drink when you have to shake up all the crap from the bottom."
Favorite Signs: Frozen Hot Chocolate
Wanted: Guns
Favorite Town Names: Oscaloosa, IA
Montezuma, IA
Actually, there was a historical marker in Corydon, Iowa, commemorating another bank heist by Jesse James. That guy was everywhere.
Cedar Rapids is located on the Cedar River, but there were no rapids because the river was way low. Go figure. The Cedar Rapids Kernels were dueling the Clinton Lumberkings in a Class A minor league contest. Cedar Rapids won, 8-4, but not before getting out of a bases loaded ninth inning jam. The Kernel's mascot is called Mr. Shucks, as in shucking corn. These guys are desperate. Here's a picture of me and Mr. Shucks:
Again, the slightly sedated, narcotic look on this mascot is creeping me out. You can't tell from this shot, but he was wearing big red tennis shoes on his feet. Later in the game, though, he had on these black plastic go-go boots. What's that all about?
Anyway, here are some shots of Cedar Rapids' Veterans stadium:
We bought what they called 'lawn seats', which means you lay out on this hilly lawn in left field and watch from there. It's a pretty neat little park for A-ball.
Next: the road home.
Next trivia night we are playing as the Sweet Randys