Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Baseball Trip 2011 / Day 6

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Boston promises to be somewhat cooler, maybe only 95 for a high.

Random observation from Randy:
"I think I left my brain in a puddle in Little Italy. I'm going to put up signs in this hotel saying, 'Have you seen my brain?'"

On the way, more giant things. The Merritt-Wilkes Carhart work clothes store has a big steer out front in their yard, and he's wearing overalls:

Big steer with overalls

Favorite signs: 
Aroma Restaurant
Affordable Bankruptcy

Favorite towns:
Stormville, NY
Webatuck, NY

Since we have time, we take the scenic route through Connecticut: Homes with new age naive art wooden stars on the siding, wishing well mailboxes, wrap around porches. Boston is an easy in and easy out, at least, easier than last time all one way streets too narrow to navigate congested, claustrophobic. The only way in to Fenway park is through your wallet, cheapest seats are $55.00. But we splurged, having saved about two thousand dollars by passing up the Yankee game. Fenway is quaint, archaic, a throwback. But if people want to call Wrigley Field a dump, there's no need to consider Fenway a shrine. They're both old and decrepit. Tear them down and save the signature features. How many people have I just angered? Sorry.

The standing room area along the back wall offers a cool breeze. We do not melt like butter if we stay here.

Boston wins, 3-1. The Seattle Mariners lose their 14th straight game, which ties a franchise record.

The Green Monster at Fenway.

Outside Fenway.

Blocked-off streets adjacent to the park.

That night we camp and find dry wood. The fire lasts a while and the temperature dips to 80. The demons from the day before disappear slowly.

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